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Cloud CRM integrated with Wordpress Websites

Salesboom Cloud CRM is now integrated tightly with Wordpress websites. Transform your business into a digital business, with Web Self-Service from your Website, Social and Mobile pages.

Salesboom has built plugins with Twilio APIs to send text messages, make phone calls, send emails and more. It's available without programming, and is pre-integrated with the Contact Manager and Sales Pipeline tools, Marketing and Support, Quoting, and Billing as part of Salesboom's offering.

Make your website a revenue generator with your Wordpress Site integrated with Cloud CRM.

Build your website and embed the CRM into your Wordpress pages and let the Website be the customer-facing front end of your business, while CRM manages all the business processes.

How to automate Lead signup to closed Sale processes from your Wordpress Website:

Buid a web form in the CRM and put it on your Wordpress site so that when a potential customer (a Lead) wants more information, she can sign up at her convenience to request more information, a call-back, etc.

The CRM registers the Lead and sends them a thank you email. Your employee gets a real-time alert with the new lead information. Sales reps click-to-dial and click-to-email and click-to-text as the customer desires. All notes, taks, logged calls, calendar events, messages, everything gets stored in the CRM attached to the Lead record (Contact and Account, etc)

he Lead is then placed in a Drip Marketing campaign that sends followup emails on a scheduled basis (ie Ticklers or reminder emails) that educate the lead, nurture her through the sales process, and offers timely information to help her make a decision.

  • Embed Lead signup forms into your Wordpress landing pages and any web page.
  • Tie the inbound and outbound of your business through your website.
  • Zip Code Proximity Search
  • Google Maps Integrated with CRM
  • Custom CRM Widgets for Wordpress Websites
  • CRM integrated with Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook

Manage your customers 24/7 via your Wordpress Website to automate Sales with Salesboom Cloud CRM and Wordpress CRM integration.

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